25 Sep 2008, 11:10am
Climate and Weather Politics and politicians
by admin

Algore the Domestic Terrorist

Former VP and nearly POTUS Al Gore has called for rioting in the streets in the name of Global Warming. From Reuters yesterday:

Gore urges civil disobedience to stop coal plants

By Michelle Nichols [here]

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nobel Peace Prize winner and environmental crusader Al Gore urged young people on Wednesday to engage in civil disobedience to stop the construction of coal plants without the ability to store carbon.

The former U.S. vice president, whose climate change documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” won an Academy Award, told a philanthropic meeting in New York City that “the world has lost ground to the climate crisis.”

“If you’re a young person looking at the future of this planet and looking at what is being done right now, and not done, I believe we have reached the stage where it is time for civil disobedience to prevent the construction of new coal plants that do not have carbon capture and sequestration,” Gore told the Clinton Global Initiative gathering to loud applause. …

In the proud tradition of Sinque, Abby Hoffman, Vladimir Lenin, and Hussein Obama confidant William “Weather Underground” Ayers, Nobel Peace laureate Albert Gore is fomenting civil disobedience, monkey wrenching, fire bombing, Communist revolution, and mass insanity.

Shut down the power grid today in the name of carbon dioxide! Take it to the streets! Especially you young people!

The Clinton Global Initiative? It’s a Clinton thing? Why am I not surprised?

Drop whatever you are doing, grab your milk jugs full of gasoline, and burn baby burn. Rioting, looting, pillaging! Crush the West!

The phony AGW hoax is dying. Now is the time to go completely insane and destroy America. Move on, move out, and up the Revolution!

Did you vote for Crazy Al? Are you ashamed yet?

Bloated mega-millionaire Algore was deeply partnered with Lehman Bros, the investment bank that plunged into receivership last week. No bail out for Al. Now he’s pissed. Riot On!!!!!!!!

Show your allegiance to Al’s corrupt bank fraud! Burn your local branch today!

Or better yet, commit to 50 years of punitive taxes to stuff in the pockets of NYC investment bankers who gambled away a trillion dollars. They need new 3-piece suits and limousines. You should be poor so they can be rich. You work while they play with your money.

Here’s the Plan of Congress, Algore, GW Bush, and all the fat cats: burn baby burn the equity of the USA in colossal megafires so that the entire world goes bankrupt. We could all live like they do in Kenya where Hussein Obama’s family scrabbles for a dollar a day in the dust.

Come the Revolution gonna be no more limousines! And no more forests, and no more USA. One World poverty and social upheaval because Mother Nature is mad at the human race. Follow your fearless leaders. They know what they’re doing. They have your best interests at heart. Riot on, America!

What is this country coming to? Did we already drink the koolaid? Has the entire populace gone nuts? If you are not insane, please let me know. I need some reassurance.

25 Sep 2008, 8:26pm
by Joe B.

Until Al Gore’s own home stops using the equivalent amount of energy that 32 average American homes do in a year, the man will be nothing more than a do as I say not as I do hypocrite.

26 Sep 2008, 12:36am
by Mike

Joe — You understate it. The man is an arch criminal to whom there is no “controlling legal authority.” He advocates mass criminality to further his own gain. Reminds me of the Penguin.

What is worse, all our fearless leaders have sunk to Al’s level. Let’s give Hank Paulson, former Pres of the Nature Conservancy! and now Sec Teas., $700 billion to distribute to his cronies with no legal oversight! That was Bush’s plan.

There should be NO BAILOUT. Forget the NYC bankers. Let them jump out of windows, like in the good old days. This country and our economy will be fine. We don’t need to extract $3,000 from every man, woman, and child to give away to multi-millionaire pigs like Algore.

This country is indeed insane when the biggest theft in history is happening right under our noses and we allow it to happen.



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