12 May 2008, 12:14pm
Bears Endangered Specious Homo sapiens
by admin

Why Our Republic Will End May 15th

By Chuck and Roni Sylvester, Good Neighbor Law [here]

In a private note to us, Mary - a 12 year old girl from Colorado wrote:

“People at my school make fun of me because I don’t believe Global Warming is a problem. However, my Geography teacher is good because he presents both sides of the story, but not all of the teachers there do. I am very lucky to be in the Highly Gifted and Talented program, otherwise I wouldn’t have Mr.__. Even when I go out in public and hear something about how Global Warming is going to kill us all, I roll my eyes and give that “Yeah, right” look, people look at me like I was some kind of demon lobster. Thank God my family helps me through times when it doesn’t quite go through the other ear. The Earth has the following periods, each about 5 billion years long: Pre-Cambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary. Long time, huh? In all of this time, the temperature has been like a ball, bouncing up and down.”

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “What have you wrought?” He answered, “…a Republic, if you can keep it.”

Our Republic, as we’ve known it for near 221 years, will end May 15, 2008.

Where in the world, has a government combined with Jurisdictions foreign to our Constitution, to usurp our legislative process, and mandate law without our consent?

Where in the world are loggers stowing saws, ranchers thinning herds, fishermen casting aside nets, oil field workers leaving rigs, and miners blocked from working?

Where in the world have farmers stopped the plow, and bureaucrats sped up the lies?

Where in the world have bribes ballooned, scruples shriveled, and manners mummified?

Where in the world are these things happening? The United States of America.

Why will our Republic end May 15, 2008?

The Center for Biodiversity, Natural Resources Defense Council and Greenpeace have set before the US Department of the Interior (DOI), a mandate they list a polar bear as an endangered species.

If the DOI makes the decision not to list the polar bear, that decision will have been made based on thousands of pages of scientific evidence that prove the bear is not endangered.
If the DOI makes the decision to list the polar bear, it will have been done so under the tyrannical force wrought by those groups and others - including the Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, Nature Conservancy and other jurisdictions foreign to our Constitution.

Over a period of about 40 years, these groups have raised millions and made billions off their deracination of resource providers including loggers, coal miners, fishermen, ranchers, farmers and oil field workers.

Why? Gain of absolute Despotism and mega-money deals with foreign markets.
Some, including Al Gore, fabricated a scam of global proportions called “global warming,” to control you, your land and your water.

This is not an exaggeration. It is fact.

Here’s a short version of the ripple affect of listing the polar bear as endangered.

Your locally generated food, fuel and fiber will be blocked from production and reaching its destination; which is you!

Hungry and cold, your search for these products will take you far away from your local grocer and into alien nations.

Presently we pay 9-10% of our disposable income for food. At $8.00 per gallon gas and $10.00 per gallon diesel, this could easily jump to 50% or more; particularly if we’re forced into the position of transporting food from far away countries.

So now you’re paying exorbitant prices at the fuel pump and you still have to buy food. You look at the few bucks you have left and are faced with the dreadful choice of who gets to eat tonight.

Even though it’s a given, that a country unable to feed itself is a country ripe for takeover, all three candidates for president made their choices as to who gets to dine…and you weren’t invited.

Contraire to the highly paid heads of mega-rich environmental groups, Good Neighbor volunteers gather facts on how policies like endangered species jeopardize your food supply and safety. They know national security is tied to American Resource Production.

Good Neighbors have a website www.GoodNeighborLaw.com that represents some of the world’s brightest legal and scientific minds; people who are passionate about providing information that can be proved out and is able to speak for itself.

Good Neighbors have decided that to better serve you, they will expose and post every incumbent elected official or candidate who has involvement with any entity that uses a species, climate change or what-have-you, as a means to shut down your American Resource Production.

While our opinions on wars, economic conditions, religion and politics differ dramatically, and some may care less who the Rockies recruit to play ball, we do agree and care deeply about one thing: FOOD. We all eat!

The polar bear is being used as a primer to take away your food. Mary gets it. Do you?

This manmade disaster is preventable. Here’s what you can do to prevent it.

Call your representative today, and tell them not to list the polar bear!

Demand they open up fuel exploration and food production in America!

Demand they stop jurisdictions foreign from taking your Republic and your food!

On May 15, 2008, what will you have wrought? A mourning of your Republic past? Or a celebration of a renewed Declaration of Independence for America?

24 Jun 2008, 2:44pm
by Rhonda G.

Geez, when you started asking where in the world, I was sure you were talking about what used to be my country (I still live here but the country has absolutely been taken over and we are now owned by sub-humans) Canada, but I see you are referring to our big brother who leads us always into out-doing him as we, the younger, are nothing if we are not super competitive.

You ask where foreign jurisdictions can take away legislated rights. I guess you missed the events at the OPEC summit in Vancouver in 1997 where our then Prime Minister, Jean Chretien (make that Cretan) gave his personal directive to Indonesia’s Suharto to have Indonesian police (he brought them with him) turn on Canadian kids/students and tear gas them. The latest that you might like is that this same group (same shit - different pile) has given themselves permission to not let Canadians know if the food they are eating is genetically engineered or not. So here’s where in the world you can clearly see the, at record breaking speed, demise of a nation.

24 Jun 2008, 4:37pm
by Mike

I love Canadians but your Gummit is an abortion. Of course, I should talk, seeing as mine is crumbling into equal idiocy.



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