Cap-and-Tax America to Death

The American Power Act may now be downloaded [here].

This is the section-by-section summary of 5/11/2010. It is 21 pages long, 9.5 MB. It is a photocopy, not in text format, so it cannot be cut and pasted. It could be printed out, scanned, and converted to text. If somebody wants to do that exercise, please send me the text copy. That will be much smaller, more like 200 KB or less.

Note: I have replaced the photocopy version with an OmniPageTXT version that can be cut and pasted. This version is also in pdf format but it is a little smaller (4.3 MB). Thank you Jim K. for providing it.

Note 2: the whole freaking thing, all 987 pages, is [here] (1.2 MB)

The section-by-section summary is marked **For Staff Use Only - Not For Distribution Or Publication** but we are publishing it online anyway.

I dare the US Senate to arrest me for putting their secret deliberations into public view.

Title II is entitled “Global Warming Pollution Reduction”. It establishes a cap on carbon emissions and monetary and injunctive penalties for parties that exceed their quotas (Sec. 723).

It also establishes a “carbon bank” for trade in “allowances” (Sec 725).

It directs the EPA Administrator to establish a “reserve” of “allowances” for sale to carbon emitters (Sec 726).

It directs the EPA Administrator to collect payments from gas and diesel “providers”.

It goes on and on. Later I will make a more complete analysis. Cap, cap, cap, tax, tax, tax — all for nought. It will not change the temperature of the globe in any measurable amount. But it will bleed the economy dry, shut down power plants, kill industry and manufacturing, and fill the coffers of the biggest crooks in America — until the economy is in shambles.

This is the most egregious scam, and most horrifically bad law ever proposed in this country. If passed, it will presage the destruction of the United States of America.

The American Power Act is worse than a dozen Pearl Harbors. Now is truly the time for all patriots to rise in defense of our nation.

13 May 2010, 9:30am
by Bill T.

This is an economic disaster in the making. Rolling the dice on the basis of a manmade global warming hypothesis which has repeatedly been falsified by noted, reputable scientists exceeds the ability of a sane person to comprehend.

The drafters of this greedy, economy-killing, power grabbing piece of crap legislation were in most part lobbyists for big business. A potential $10 trillion carbon market attracts the most talented influential snakes imaginable. Talent always rises to the top of a cesspool.

If you haven’t contacted your Senators yet, start dialing, telephoning and writing. This bill must be stopped in its tracks. No high speed passage… it is too important to not be fully vetted. Like other power grabbing legislation the 111th Congress has passed, they want this one forced upon our nation quickly.

P.S. Where are all of the investigative reporters from our mainstream media? Can it be true they so strongly believe in big government that they will pass on this one, too? It is a sad day when the Fourth Estate turns a blind eye to corruption at the highest level of our federal government.



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