21 Dec 2008, 5:18pm
Climate and Weather Politics and politicians
by admin

Junk Science, GW Alarmist Hoaxers Take Over White House

The propaganda spin-meisters are out in full force as the next President has selected the worst crop of junk science, global warming hoaxers imaginable.

There is no global warming. The globe has been cooling for the last ten years. Greenhouse gas theories have been proved wrong by the empirical evidence. The climate models are not “skillful” in that their predictions have been falsified by reality. We are facing continued cooling for at least the next thirty years due to solar quiescence and oceanic oscillations [here].

Despite overwhelming evidence against global warming, the incoming administration plans to cripple our (already reeling) economy with cap-and-trade, carbon taxes, and skyrocketing energy costs. Nothing that they intend to do will affect global climates one iota, but the crushing economic depression will harm billions of people.

Moreover, warmer is better. Warmer means longer growing seasons, more rain, shorter winters, increased biological productivity, and expanding biological diversity. Equatorial regions are the most productive and diverse; polar regions the least. The planet has almost always been warmer than today, going back the hundreds of millions of years since life first appeared on dry land. We are current in a neo-glaciation phase, and the future holds another Ice Age with continental ice sheets two miles thick. Ice Age glaciations have occurred with clock-like regularity for 2 million years and all evidence suggests another looms.

But it is politically incorrect to say so. The best science has been hammered down by PC junk science for reasons of political authoritarianism. Real science has always been stifled by tyranny and thought control, and tragically the incoming administration embodies that fact.

The spin is on, however. LiveScience quotes Obama on “open inquiry” [here]

Science Returns to the White House

By Robert Roy Britt, Editorial Director, LiveScience.com, 21 December 2008

In announcing four top science advisers Saturday, President-elect Barack Obama set lofty goals for an open and honest scientific process and dialogue in his new administration.

“The truth is that promoting science isn’t just about providing resources — it’s about protecting free and open inquiry,” Obama said in his weekly radio address. “It’s about ensuring that facts and evidence are never twisted or obscured by politics or ideology. It’s about listening to what our scientists have to say, even when it’s inconvenient — especially when it’s inconvenient. Because the highest purpose of science is the search for knowledge, truth and a greater understanding of the world around us. That will be my goal as President of the United States — and I could not have a better team to guide me in this work.”

Obama’s actions belie his words, however, because he has appointed to top science posts some of the most vociferous opponents of open inquiry in the nation.

As expected, Obama announced John Holdren, a physicist and environmental policy professor at Harvard University, as assistant to the president for science and technology, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. …

Jane Lubchenco, a marine biologist at Oregon State University, will lead the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which sets the agenda for much of the nation’s climate and marine research as well as overseeing the National Weather Service.

The Oregonian Editorial Board lauds Lubchenco [here], calling her brilliant and a genius:

We don’t toss around the words “brilliant” and “genius” lightly or too often. But they’re exactly the right words to describe President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

That Jane Lubchenco teaches marine biology and zoology at Oregon State University is also a nice plus for our state. But her world-renowned research on climate change, the nation’s fisheries and ocean dead zones (including those off the Oregon Coast) makes her the perfect person to run a critical agency. …

The 61-year-old professor is also ideally suited to help resurrect the dead zones that the Bush administration is leaving behind in a different sense, scattered across federal agencies. Across many areas of research, the administration has systematically suffocated science, when it was at odds with Bush policy.

The truth is somewhat different than that. It is Lubchenco who has systematically suffocated science at OSU by engaging in slander, libel, and punishing actions against those who disagree with her. A commenter at LiveScience writes:

The Global Warming contingent that Obama has appointed hardly represents the “free and open inquiry” that he promises. …

Lubchenko’s work at OSU was highlighted by her leadership in the firing of our State Climatologist, George Taylor, who freely and openly inquired into the myriad inconsistencies of Global Warming “science.”

Another highlight was her “Dead Zone” prophecies, which were also highly profitable due to their apocalyptic scare tactics. Local commercial fishermen observed, accurately, that it was a perfectly normal ocean life-cycle that had been documented for more than 150 years. No matter — the call is out for draconian measures, including massive “ocean reserves” that (if adopted) will cripple Oregon’s marine fisheries in the same manner that “scientific” reserves have crippled our timber industry.

The Global Warmers are mostly liberal Democrats — note Lubchenko’s condescending remarks regarding President Bush and the “Republicans” — who have profited immensely via the Global Warming scare. Remember, they claim “consensus” in their “science.” Consensus, as another reminder, is the antithesis of “free and open inquiry.” Debate requires at least two sides, not just one.

These appointments will prove wonderful for University professors seeking money for Global Warming “studies” that further unfounded fears and consensus. Ask George Taylor about the “free and open inquiry” part. So far, it’s a sham.

Global warming is a sham, a hoax, an aggressive authoritarian lie. The new administration science appointees embrace that lie and seek to choke off dissenting voices (who are far superior scientists, by the way).

The federal government became a lot more vicious, ignorant, and scientifically backward last week. Economic bankruptcy will follow close behind the intellectual kind.

21 Dec 2008, 7:55pm
by dwite

Man, you’re scary. I suspect you’re also “Christian” and, aw, heck…why even try to talk with folks like you?

21 Dec 2008, 8:22pm
by Mike

Aw, Dimwit, what with Christmas coming up, you really shouldn’t be scared of Christians.

Some other Oregonian headlines today as a record Arctic Blast brings Portland to a frozen standstill (can you smell the irony?)

Portland streets close due to snow and ice

Road closures, power outages throughout region

Southwest, Alaska, Horizon, Greyhound cancellations

Amtrak service halted

Portland warming centers looking for donations, volunteers

Slippery surfaces send Portlanders to the ER

21 Dec 2008, 8:41pm
by bear bait

I went out, after a mostly sleepless night, to get the paper which showed up and I don’t know how. I cannot walk on the sidewalk. It is glare ice. The reason for no sleep is that since about midnight the sound of BIG limbs breaking off trees has been continual, many sounding like gun shots. The dogs are awakened and bark. To the west of my house it looks like a war zone. The street is impassable. Wow! a very large something just hit the ground, and shook the windows!!!! just now.

I see no cars. None. Scary. We do have electricity, but for how long I don’t know. My smaller dogwood is pretty much a shambles, and the other one is hanging to the ground. The train has not run at all since midnight. Bad ass deal out there right now. A person had better not get sick or hung up on anything, because I don’t think there is anyone out there to rescue you. It is slickem city. This stuff is unforgiving.

The dog walked across the lawn to pee, and he was high stepping like a Grambling drum major. Very interesting and humorous to watch. Another loud branch shot… and another. This is the tree trimming event of the decade.

This is the weather that produces the ring of snowbreaks around the 500-1500′ level. It will be apparent next week, or whenever we can get out, by all the white breaks in the tops of 15-40 year old doug fir. No poles and piling out of that stuff.

I hear geese flying overhead. They are not icing up. Probably looking for ice free grass. Another limb shot. The sound of chain saws buzzing like a motocross will reverberate around here for a couple of days as this crap is cleaned up. But it first has to quit freezing, and the weatherheads say that most likely will be tomorrow and the next day. Oh, lucky us!!!

It is getting lighter, and my easterly dogwood looks like it will be half a tree after this. Nothing on my car or truck, but down the street stuff is even on houses.

I decided that getting into the pickup would be a safe thing to do. I filled a couple of empty milk jugs with hot water and walked out to de-ice the rig. I put a pair of socks over my shoes. That works. So now the pickemup truck is working its heater magic and will soon be ice free, one would hope. That means that I can get in it and go back and forth, you know, to go get chain saw gas. The city has barricades on our street: closed due to broken trees. I can hear them going off like rifles all the time. Another one bites the dust….

So the more the weather behaves like is has been, for the last two or more years, the more it is like my Corn Valley childhood. Silver thaws, snow for a week, and probably a flood sooner than later. This is the cool weather cycle, and too bad the likes of Jane Lubchenkco make the effort to run off guys like George Taylor, because her empirical data bank is empty. She has not lived here long enough to be able to detect the cycles. She is a pilgrim, a newbie, and doesn’t have a clue…

The silver thaw icing record is in the forests. There is a snow break rim around the Valley. Just count the rings and then count the limb whorls to the snow break, and you can tell annual time around here. I used to have the silver thaws in a diary. They would tell me the age of the timber. I bet I could give you a breakdown of big time icing events just with binoculars and some time covering timber land from the valley floor to the ridge tops. Seen it too much and too often. It was something you looked for and at when you evaluated timber in my neck of the woods. You looked for the snow break and culled 6 feet for every one in your cruise trees. Empirical knowledge. Old timers disease.

I am so not about going to stand out there under an ice laden tree and begin to cut up the fallen branches. I have a ten foot tall pile of fallen hawthorn crap blocking the sideyard, and it will stay there until I get damned good and ready to cut it out. I have lost 3/5ths or more of my summer shade. We have a carbon footprint crisis of magnitude. Call algore. Tell him to bring a chainsaw and some gas. — bear bait

22 Dec 2008, 7:38pm
by Tallac

“dwite” bows to the new religion which is AGW.

Because much of North America is breaking record low temps, along with snow and ice that hasn’t been seen in 40 years, only confirms this is the result of AGW.

With this religion you can have it both ways:
Man-made C02 heats and freezes the planet at the same time. It’s so simple, a cave man can figure it out. We don’t even need real scientists and their contrarian views anymore. It’s settled.

60+ million voters actually believe the “change” rap constantly fed to them. Whether it be climate or government policies.

But they will have a rude awakening when their heating bills (or cooling, depending where you live) double due to new taxes and fees on utilities forced to purchase carbon offsets, “green energy” and other schemes to control and take from the ignorant masses. (Already, a Colorado private utility will no longer purchase green power for their customers due to cost complaints)

With these appointments the writing is on the wall and it isn’t pretty.

Too bad “dwite” is one of many who can’t read and/or comprehend.

22 Dec 2008, 8:08pm
by Mike

dwite is apparently a religious bigot, typical of Nazis. After murder by the millions perped by religious bigot Nazis in WWII, it’s a wonder that people like dwite still exist, let alone are allowed to walk around loose.

But you are right, Tallac. Mass insanity is still epidemic. People believe what they are told to believe, no matter how contrary to actuality, because the capacity for independent thought and judgment has been largely lost.

28 Dec 2008, 8:49pm
by Forrest Grump

Yeah, Jane is a winner. Just like James. I found some old Google material where she talks about bringing “science” to the public. Yah, more advocacy snake oil Piled higher and Deeper. How long do you think it will be before NOAA revises its Snake River dams outlook? Before there’s a cleaning house of any biologists with any sense of social responsibility?
O bama!



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